This year Crowborough & District Anglers Association (CDAA) celebrates 75 years of angling in all its various forms. CDAA began life in 1948 when a group of young men returned from the war. Initially the club was set up to provide day trips for sea anglers but over time freshwater fishing began to play a greater role and coarse waters were added to the roster. These days the club can offer both freshwater, saltwater and some stream-based Trout fishing.
We have a long and well documented history, an enthusiastic and hard-working Committee and some very keen junior anglers. CDAA was one of the first clubs to have its own website and to use email, and when “social media” became a thing, this was also embraced. Pennybridge Lake in Crowborough, where we will be holding our 75th celebration event on the 29th July, was once just a muddy puddle until the club gained funding from the National Lottery and spent two years turning it into what it now is and one of our most popular waters. Today we support, and are supported by, our local tackle dealers and Crowborough Town Council who part fund our junior section where we encourage youngsters to get outside and enjoy the countryside environment. Fishing is not just about catching fish, it is a chance to relax and watch the world and nature go by.
If you are competitive, we run a series of summer matches. These take place on Sundays, Wednesday evenings and Thursday afternoon to early evening. Junior anglers have a summer series of matches on Saturday mornings and we have matches that are just for the ladies too. For the specimen hunters, there are competitions that run all year round.
So if this all sounds interesting to you, come and see us on the 29th July for our 75th anniversary celebrations. There will be lots to do on the day including bouncy castle, food stalls, beer tent, plus many other attractions, along with the chance to actually try your hand at fishing. We’ll have all the gear, bait and coaches to help you catch your first fish and who knows you might just get hooked!
Event details:
29th July at Pennybridge Lake, Dovedale Farm, London Road, Crowborough, TN6 1UT.
Parking will be in the Forest Fold Chapel car park.
We hope to have one of the appliances from Crowborough Fire Station (subject to availability) and St Johns First aiders will be in attendance.
Submitted by David Flint