Ashdown Probus |

Crowborough Darby & Joan Club – Age range from 60+ years. Speaker each month. Transport arranged. Sheila – 01892 653 024. Meet: 3rd Thursday each month at 1pm, United Church Hall, Croft Road.

Crowborough Afternoon Townswomens Guild – Contact 01892 655 824. Meet: 1st Friday each month from 2.15pm to 4.30pm at Crowborough Community Centre, Pine Grove.

Crowborough Probus – A social club for retired and Professional Business men. Contact 01892 664 036 or email  Meet monthly at the Barnsgate Manor.

Crowborough Social Club – Mike Wallman – 01892 653 314. Open: Monday-Thursday 11am-11pm, Friday/Saturday 11am-11.30pm, Sun 12-10.30pm.

Crowborough Social Group of E. Sussex Association for the Blind – Contact: 01323 832 252. Meet: 3rd Friday each month – 2-4pm at All Saints Church Hall. (Please call in an advance for an assessment prior to attending the group) .

Crowborough St. John’s W.I. – Contact Margaret Martin – 01892 661 364. Meet: 1st Wednesday each month, 2.15pm at W.I. Hall, Ghyll Rd.

Crowborough U3A – Lifelong learning. Contact number – 01892 654 278.

Crowborough Vale W.I. – Craft, Drama, Activity Group & Walking. Maureen Peake – 01892 661 444. Meet: 2nd Tuesday each month, 7.30pm at Crowborough Community Centre, Pine Grove.

Ditch the Slippers – Providing weekly activities for people aged over sixty-five.

Friend’s Social Day Service, Daycentre – contact 01892 653133

High Weald Meet-up – A friendly support group for people with ME/CFS and similar illnesses, and their carers. Contact: Simon – 07734 941602. or 

Mark Cross W.I. – Contact – 01892 852 767. Meet: 3rd Thursday each month, 7.30pm in Village Hall.

Mayfield & District U3A – Brian Grimwood – 01892 852 128. Meet: 3rd Thursday each month, 2pm in Mayfield Memorial Hall.

Probus Club Of Crowborough – A social club for retired and Professional Business men. Contact 01892 664 036 or email  Meet monthly at the Barnsgate Manor.

Rotary Club Of Crowborough – Contact Graham Bucksey on 07836 232075 |


Rotherfield St Martin – 01892 853 021 |