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Dianne’s fun, regular Movement to Music and Chair Based Exercise classes at Crowborough Community Centre are open to all. They are low impact and will suit all levels of fitness, even someone who has not exercised before, has limited mobility and/or who is returning to physical activity after illness/injury/surgery or those awaiting treatment, e.g. a joint replacement.  Adaptations will be given so you can choose how much you want to exert yourself.

The focus is on what you CAN do. You work to your own ability and progress from there.

The Movement to Music classes on Thursdays can be done seated, standing or a combination of both and include choreographed movements to great music. The classes also include some strength and balance exercises. 

No floor work!

The Chair Based Exercise classes on Tuesdays consist of mainly seated exercise with some standing, although it is possible to remain seated throughout.  The classes include mobility and aerobic exercises, strength work using a resistance band and stretches.

Both types of class finish with a few minutes of relaxation.

The benefits of Dianne’s classes include:

• improved mobility and co-ordination

• improved strength and flexibility

• increased confidence and independence

It is recommended that adults should partake in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.

Come and try and out one of these fun classes and meet some new people.

CHAIR BASED EXERCISETuesdays at 10am and 11.30am

MOVEMENT TO MUSICThursdays at 11.30am

For further information on the classes and bookings, contact Dianne on 07900 423676 or email