Established in 1995, Hair Gallery came under new ownership in 2019 when Catherine Avadis bought the salon from her sister Lizzie not long before the pandemic struck. Catherine had worked alongside her sister in the business for many years before moving away from the area for a period of time. It was upon her return that she decided to take the business over.
As you can imagine, the last 15 months have been incredibly tough for everyone in the beauty industry but Catherine has been working tirelessly to make the salon COVID compliant, following all the latest government guidelines.
There has been great attention to detail to keeping customers safe. You can find full details on how you’ll be kept COVID safe on their website.
Not only that, clients are now able to log onto a dedicated Hair Gallery Wi-Fi where they will receive a link and be able to read all the latest magazines on their own smart devices removing the need for physical magazines! You don’t have to worry about running out of charge as there are USB ports at every station.Whatever will they think of next?
The feedback from both new and returning clients has been extremely positive with many saying that they feel safer in the salon than they do in the supermarkets!
Now that the initial rush for everyone getting their lockdown hair cut and tidied up is over, the team look forward to welcoming more new clients to the salon.
Upstairs you’ll find the well established Gallery Day Spa beauty rooms, owned and run by Catherine’s other sister, Diana.
Crowborough’s FIRST sustainable salon
Hair Gallery has become the first sustainable salon in Crowborough. In March of this year, they signed up to the ‘Green Salon Collective’, a not-for-profit organisation who reduce salon waste through recycling and education programmes. 90% of the waste produced by the salon is now recycled through this organisation.
Hair clippings are sent away and used as ‘hair-booms’. These are cotton or nylon tubes packed with hair which essentially mop up oil spills in the sea to prevent them from spreading. Plastic waste is turned into bowls and brushes to be sold back to salons in the UK and even used foils can be cleaned and recycled.
Clients are asked to contribute a £1-£2 surcharge to cover the additional cost but they are left with peace of mind that they are leaving an environmentally friendly impact on the planet following their treatments.

Hair-boom at work in Northern Ireland (picture from www.greensaloncollective.com)
The team look forward to seeing you soon!
www.hairgallery.co.uk | 01892 661 067 | hairgallery.hair@gmail.com