Welcome to news of the Crowborough Repair Café – we are always delighted to meet and greet the ever increasing numbers of people who visit us.  We are coming up for our 2nd anniversary and frankly, we don’t think any of us could have predicted where we would be two years on from those first few meetings. 

Repairers at Crowborough Repair Cafe

We meet on the first Saturday of the month at Ashdown School, Herne Road, Crowborough, between 10am and 12.30pm.  We have a whole host of wonderful fixers, café and support volunteers, who are incredible.  They give their time, expertise and enthusiasm willingly. 

Some of our visitors come just for a coffee and a piece of homemade cake, to sit and natter with their friends.  Most come holding a variety of broken items – we’ve had them all – and no, it’s not just about broken toasters … though we do mend a lot of those!!!  We repair electrical, mechanical, wood, ceramics, bikes, jewellery, textiles, clothing to name but a few. We also sharpen garden tools.

Volunteers at Crowborough Repair Cafe

There is no need to book, just come along. You’ll receive a warm welcome from our Support Team, have a chance to grab a coffee and cake whilst you wait for your turn.  It’s as simple as that.  There is no charge but we welcome donations.

The Repair Café is part of Green Transition Crowborough, a community organisation that promotes local action in the Crowborough area to address climate change and encourage sustainability.  By visiting the Repair Café you can save money, extend the life of your item and ultimately save things going to landfill. The strapline of Green Transition Crowborough  is ‘Taking small steps to make BIG changes’ – this is one small step that you can take with us.

The best way to check out any latest news from the Crowborough Repair Café is to follow us on Facebook @CrowboroughRepairCafe

– Susanna Way, Green Transition Crowborough